Saturday, January 6, 2007

Studio Assignment 1: Preface

I have begun to organize my thoughts concerning the first Studio assignment.
I began by collecting images....I then began studying them, all the while
keeping the Chris' instructions in the back of my head; "critically study
'perspectives' and develop a series of tools/strategies/methods for
dissecting and analyzing them" and, "you are fee to choose what you want to
diagram and explore within each image, provided that you explain your

Not long after beginning my analysis, it became evident to me that there is
one constant in each of the screen shots.......the am the
constant to every image I reviewed...the scenery, colors, lighting, and
camera angle, all change, even if only subtly, from shot to shot, but I

Something else that is ever changing is the relationship between the viewer
and the view...Sometimes I am invited into the view, and sometimes I am
excluded from it.....sometimes it lets me quietly observe what transpires
below, and sometimes it simply desires to please my sense of
vision....characteristics of the view will dictate the viewers relationship
and response to it.

These are the themes that I discovered and will serve as the basis of my
diagrams to follow soon.....

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Very strong observation. I am very curious to see how this transpires in your diagrams. The only other constant that I can think of is the notion of containment (or borders). Every room or space in the house (or in the yard) is contained. There is a definitive boundary that all of these perspectives exisit within.